BKC 50%

BKC 50%



Benzalkonium chloride................... 500 g

Excipient q.s................................ 1000ml





To disinfect animal buildings, cages (pens), animal farms, warehouses, farm equipments such as: feed and water troughs.

Dosage and administration:

Disinfection of drinking water: dissolveBKC 50% at the rate of 1/10.000. Dissolved well and leave for an hour then access in system of water troughs of livestock and poultry.

-Disinfection of farm equipments: After cleaning the organic matter, excrements, excess feed, the dirty clings to the tools. Dip the equipments into water mixed BKC 50%  at the rate of 1/500 (glass, metal). 1/1000 (rubber, plastic) for ½ hour.

-Disinfection of pen floor and wall: After cleaning out any gross soiling and debris, using a high pressure sprayer with water added BKC 50% at the rate of 1/1000 or 300ml dissolved solution per 1m2. Must be disinfected for at least 24 hours before stocking livestock and poultry.

-Disinfection of vehicle, animal transport devices: dilution rate 1/500.

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