Strengthening Preventive farm

When people write to advise the farm is that the majority of successful farms often "save themselves before it gets saved." The farm how they will succeed? That's farm to avoid disease, reduce antibiotic use, and produces high-quality pork.
Disease prevention, solve problems arise, to maximize genetic capacity, producing safe pork is one of the measures "Biosecurity" (Biosecurity).
Considering the narrow sense, the biological (bio), the most important of the pig farm, security also means "safe, do not get sick, healthy, big fast". Currently, to replace "epidemic prevention" is nothing aligned "biosecurity".
But we often say "biosecurity" but the actual implementation is at the ranch very difficult. Currently there is a great slogan "from farm-to-table" (Farm to table). From farms nurture healthy pigs are not sick, through the processing steps hygienic slaughter until dinner table consumers. It is largely Biosafety in pig farms.
Please create strategies to advance to biosecurity in pig farms:
The secret of successful farms
Always think positive, creative
Always habit of thinking of the objectives set out
Even in defeat will still hold.
These reasons should implement biosecurity:
First, the reduction of infectious diseases can be transmitted to humans
Second, reduce pathogenic
Third, foster productivity improvements
Fourth, reduce drug money
Fifth, reducing the number of dead pigs / rejection
Friday, increasing the quality of meat
Saturday, improving the environment for humans and pigs
The farm must take steps to accomplish three purposes of biosafety true to his farm. If not done in his farm should not be abandoned but should be a clear understanding of biosecurity.
The first purpose of biosecurity: prevent diseases from outside intrusion into
1.1 Location of farm: 2 km area around there is no other pig farms, slaughterhouses far.
If the surrounding area has many farms, must link back to room service as a farm.
1.2 Suspension of imported pig gilts, reducing herd
Although room service skills sequelae but still should be evaluated by experts in economic terms.
Especially effective with PRRS-infected farms.
1.3 Isolation of newly imported pig gilts, taming to adapt to environmental and animal immune uniform implementation and application of 3 months
Enter gilts in pig breeding farms about 150 days old, 90kg
The contract with the crystal center safe: semen negative for PRRS
1.4 To prevent outsiders from entering the camp, markings outside the camp, bathing, dressing room service, enhanced hygiene
1.5 Restrictions, stop the vehicle in the camp, while in camp with lime to disinfect, doors with spray equipment.
Strengthen the management with the vehicle related to livestock such as pigs pig truck, distribution, bran, drugs, equipment, room service.
The products imported from outside to disinfection at the entrances and preserved in a certain period of time before use.
1.6 Design fence around the camp, anti-bird nets, prevent animal intrusion.
1.7 Management
The manager must follow sequentially from the camp with high hygiene standards (birth, pregnancy, weaning) and then to camp with lower standards (grower pigs, pig meat).
Travel restrictions between the camps.
Prohibition 1.8 feed animals such as dogs, cats, birds in camp
1.9 Management bran hygiene, disinfection of bacteria mold bran
1:10 forbidden to buy pork from outside used to eat in the camp
2. The second purpose of biosecurity: prevent the disease from within the farm
2.1 Application of the system "in the same place", dividing the area of reproductive / grow.
2.2 Periodically disinfect inside and outside the camp, road, distributed processing area ...
If antiseptic inside the camp inappropriate will break the balance of bacteria in the camp.
2.3 Isolation of infected pigs, implement treatment
2.4 The implementation of the empty cage "toilet-antidotal-made Dried empty barn."
2.5 Prior to the barn should change once boots, and disinfect equipment needed leg.
2.6 Management needle hygiene, dental instruments press, castrated pigs, cut tail, click ear.
When camp with infectious diseases should replace a human nose.
2.7 Periodically kill rats and cockroaches.
2.8 Handling of dead pigs and pork sanitary culling, focused investment in equipment and pork processor die, disinfection and disinfection.
2.9 Roads in the area of internal contamination camp for vehicles not in camp.
2:10 pig farrowing should be disinfected before moving cage body.
3.Muc third aim of biosecurity: minimize damage from disease
3.1 For hygiene inspection, testing serum, bacteria, water quality, clinical and post-mortem.
Should be conducted with experts veterinarian experienced.
3.2 Making use of drug programs.
À sows infected child to child (vertical transmission infection).
Heo move, join the flock, CAMA change each transmission (horizontal transmit infection)
3.3 Check the amount of bran to eat and drink, find the cause of decline (due to equipment, patient, people management, quality bran).
3.4 Checking growth: comparing weight pigs in each stage of development, test program of the company bran / pig.
3.5 Check the possible causes of stress for pigs on the farm, preventing the bacteria.
3.6 To foster the perfect environment to test most ventilation, heat resistance, warmth camp.
3.7 Test equipment sheds, anti sows were weighed, leg pain, wounds on his hog.
3.8 Test Forum cycle, coordinated planning / birth, rearing time and density.
3.9 Selection of drugs strengthen the immune system. Pigs fed infant needs for the first, because the first milk is the best tonic.
3:10 camp staff must love pork.
If employees are very afraid of swine susceptible pigs. The change of culture can also cause stress for pigs.
Compile: Pork Team
According Pig & Pork